Predlog za izdelavo Slovarja sodobnega slovenskega jezika (Simon Krek, Iztok Kosem, Polona Gantar) - page 127

Predlog za izdelavo
Slovarja sodobnega slovenskega jezika
2011, 10-12 November 2011, Bled, Slovenia.
Ur. Iztok Kosem in Karmen Kosem. Ljubljana: Trojina,
Institute for Applied Slovene Studies. 175–179.
Meyer, Peter. 2011. »Vernetziko: A Cross-Reference Management Tool for the Lexicographer’s
Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: new applications for new users.
Proceedings of eLex 2011, 10-12 November 2011, Bled, Slovenia.
Ur. Iztok Kosem in Karmen Kosem.
Ljubljana: Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies. 191–198.
Müller-Spitzer, Carolin. 2008. »The Lexicographic Portal of the IDS: Connecting Heterogeneous
Lexicographic Resources by a Consistent Concept of Data Modelling.«
Proceedings of the XIII
EURALEX International Congress (Barcelona, 15-19 July 2008).
Ur. Janet DeCesaris in Elisenda
Institut Universitari De Linguística Aplicada Universitat Pompeu Fabra
457–461 .
Müller-Spitzer, Carolin. 2010. »OWID – A Dictionary Net for Corpus-Based Lexicography of
Contemporary German.«
Proceedings of the XIV Euralex International Congress (Leeuwarden, 6-10
July 2010).
Ur. Anne Dykstra in Tanneke Schoonheim. Afûk, Ljouwert: Fryske Akademy. 445–452.
Nimb, Sanni. 2004. »A Syntactic Lexicon for Danish Adverbs.«
Proceedings of the Eleventh EURALEX
International Congress, EURALEX 2004 Lorient, France July 6-10, 2004.
Ur. Geoffrey Williams in
Sandra Vessier.
Universite de Bretagne - sud. 905–910.
Novak, Jernej, Fišer, Darja in Erjavec, Tomaž. 2011. »sloWTool: orodje za iskanje, urejanje in vizualizacijo
semantičnih leksikonov.« (
Renau, Irene in Battaner, Paz. 2011. »The Spanish Learner’s Dictionary DAELE on the Panorama of the
Spanish E-lexicography. A Short Retrospective of Spanish in European E-lexicography.«
lexicography in the 21st century: new applications for new users. Proceedings of eLex 2011, 10-12
November 2011, Bled, Slovenia.
Ur. Iztok Kosem in Karmen Kosem. Ljubljana: Trojina, Institute for
Applied Slovene Studies. 221–226.
Rundell, Michael in Atkins B. T., Sue. 2011. »The DANTE database: a User Guide.«
Electronic lexicography
in the 21st century: new applications for new users. Proceedings of eLex 2011, 10-12 November
2011, Bled, Slovenia.
Ur. Iztok Kosem in Karmen Kosem. Ljubljana: Trojina, Institute for Applied
Slovene Studies. 233–246.
Ruppenhofer, Josef, Baker, Collin F. in Fillmore, Charles J. 2002. »The FrameNet Database in Software
Proceedings of the Tenth EURALEX International Congress, EURALEX 2002 Copenhagen,
Denmark August 13-17, 2002.
Ur. Anna Braasch in Claus Povlsen. Copenhagen
Center for
sprogteknologi. 371–375.
Ruppenhofer, Josef, Baker, Collin F. in Fillmore, Charles J. 2002. »Collocational Information in the
FrameNet Database.«
Proceedings of the Tenth EURALEX International Congress, EURALEX 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark August 13-17, 2002.
Ur. Anna Braasch in Claus Povlsen. Copenhagen
Center for sprogteknologi. 359–369.
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